I ‘met’
Skip when I hesitantly joined an online community of writers. I wanted to learn
what writers on the other side had. I became a tiny fish in a big ocean as I
learnt how to write in a way that would make sense to my other online members.
In the process I came across this gentle giant wh I have never seen physically
but he became my best friend. Himself and another writer Lisa Suda. We became
in a fashion THE CHORD. I learnt a lot from them. We were all writing stories
and yes there were two others Liz and Max, but gradually it was just these
We shared
stories, critiqued for each other and that helped me a great deal. I published
my first novel BLOOD CONTRACT and Skip never seemed satisfied with his and kept
knocking it into a shape he felt comfortable with. Finally I had the distinct
pleasure to learn a few weeks back that the book Keening Fire is now available
for readers.
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Keening Fire by SKip Slocum |
A beautiful
story set in the middle ages when man was close enough to his inner being as to
listen to the keening of his spirit and be guided into bravery, learn how to a
real man and go through a rite of passage into manhood. It is the story of
Matt, who carries on the keening gift and earns his rights through trials, and
tested love and loyalty to his king. I am held spell bound by the beauty of the
words, the evolution of Matt from teenage to the sense of an ideal upright man.
I went through the agonies of his pain and felt light headed with happiness
when he finally won his place amongst men.
Slocum has through this book shown a powerful ability to tell a story so well
that I can only urgently recommend you to read the interview and buy the book.
Here is the
short interview I had with him. Please Enjoy.
tell us a bit about yourself.
I’m a retired
Diesel Mechanic – Married for 31 years – father of three – grandfather of two.
2. THE
KEENING FIRE hold my interest because it is almost African, what prompted you
to write it?
When my
grandson was six years old, he asked me to tell him a story. I started making
up this one on the spot. We decided I’d better write it down before I forgot
the names of the characters. Over the next six and a half years the story
transformed and almost took on a life of its own.
3. Matt
seemed to have gone through a crucible of fire, almost like some initiation
rite of passage, does that still happen?
Well, without giving
away too much of the story – This young warrior is constantly tested by life’s
unforeseen twists and turns. Like with many people, he discovers life’s journey
never turns out or takes the path we thought it would.
4. The
book though written in another age seem to talk about values that would be
relevant in today's world, would you care to explain.
That was one of my
goals. Let me see if I can explain without waxing too philosophical. There
comes a time when we as mortal men discover the meaning and cold reality of
that awful word, ‘Mortal’. I wanted to leave some advice and values to my
grandson and his grandsons – We as good men, fathers, warriors, and or
guardians of the innocent are responsible for our actions.
–What we do today
will shape who we become tomorrow.–
5. The art
of keening has been likened to magic, sorcery or at best something dreaded, but
what do you think?
To answer that question I need to explain what ‘The Keening’
is. In my story, ‘The Keening’ is an inherited gift passed down through
the ages –father to son – The Keening manifests itself from within – a power of
insight – some may glimpse the future or commune with nature, some may hear the
thoughts of men. The Keening changes with everyone it comes to according to
their strength, morphing and changing in every generation. To those who don’t
possess this insight The Keening may appear as magic, sorcery or something to
6. What
class of people would enjoy the book?
My hope is everyone. The Keening Fire is a coming of age
adventure, a discovery of who we can become, a fantasy, a story of love and
7. If you
were asked to classify the book how would you classify it?
Since our
lives are not and cannot be confined to any one genera how could I write this
warrior’s life as one bracketed and set within parameters?
8. You are
a writer who almost a recluse, please tell us where we can buy copies of your
You can find a copy of my book at: http://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?keyWords=the+keening+fire&categoryId=100501
If I may, let me say – I set the
price as low as the self-publishing plug-ins would allow. This is a saga not a
short novel.
9. Share a
writing day with us.
Being retired and
a grandfather, my little ones have grown where I can set my own hours
concerning writing. While working on this story I ignored clocks as much as
possible and quit following calendars years ago. I am a creature of the night
and seem to do my best writing while my wife is safe in bed asleep. Yet let me
say, there are many forms of writing. There is the plotting, thinking,
scheming, playing out scenes hearing dialogue in one’s head until scenes
becomes real and then there is the computer’s keyboard where I try to put on
paper what is playing in my world of imagination.
10. Apart
from writing, what other interests do you have?
a third generation mechanic and blue collar worker, I love mechanical devices.
I have a passion for tools, gadgets, art of all kinds, movies and asking the
question: ‘What if’
Within the nuts and bolts of writing
this story I consciously chose not to use Speech-Tags.